Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Sometimes I wonder ...

Brace yourselves, this is a series of random thoughts that have been weighing on my mind and I feel so inclined to release them into the blogosphere.

I Wonder ...

- why do I get so dang sleepy after lunch.

- when did skinny white girls become the standard of beauty.

- what smart person decided that the medians on interstates was a good place to plant flowers and trees.

- why kids always hate the single adult in the neighborhood.

- if eating during those few hours after breakfast and before lunch is called brunch, how come eating after lunch and before supper isn't called lupper? Or if you eat dinner, why isn't it called linner? While we're at it, why doesn't Taco Bell call that Fourthmeal, Dinfast?

- how come we don't get summer vacations as adults? Shouldn't we be able to get a month or two off during the summer and get paid for it.

- why do co-workers assume you're pissed if you're not talking.

- when black folks will stop blaming everything on being black.

- what the hell was L.L. talking about in the chorus, "Pink cookies in a plastic bag, getting crushed by buildings ..."

- why is it only old, ugly and really big or really skinny men who find extra thick women attractive.

- why do white folks always want to touch my hair.

- if I feel comfortable enough to oblige them, why are they surprised that it's soft? And why do they whisper about how soft it is? If it were coarse, would they scream at me, OH MY GOD IT'S SO COARSE!!!


12kyle said...

I love the randomness. Maybe great minds think alike b/c my blog tomorrow will be off the dome

mannnn, i dunno what the hell LL was talkin' bout. he lost me on that cd.

good post!

Anonymous said...

A paid summer vacation for all adults sounds great! Most teachers get perks like that, but they honestly deserve so much more (the dedicated ones at least). And "lupper" was funny, lol. Great post!

PCD (Pretty Circle Drawer) said...

lupper? linner? dinfast? LOLOLOL!!! i wonder who makes up words too...like, who decided it should be dinner. (what the fug is supper?) i've never liked that word. was dinner not good enough? who decided? HA HA HA!

Tyhitia Green said...

People keep asking me is my hair a wig...lol. But I don't let them touch it...uh---no. ;-)

There are nice looking men of all ages and sizes who find healthy women attractive. Ever heard of the organization Chubby Chasers? Well, it's real...lol. I don't know anyone who has joined, but they say they have all kinds of members. :-)

Tiffany S. Jones said...

kyle, I'm glad to know I'm not the only one clueless about L.L.'s song.
kei, they do deserve it, Lord knows they put up with enough during the school year.
PCD, don't be tryna act like you don't have some country folks in your family who say "supper." According to my parents, when they were growing up, they used to eat four meals a day. Breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper.
They'd eat breakfast before sunrise, lunch in the mid-morning, dinner at about 5:30 and supper after they came in from the fields and took baths. Supper was the heaviest meal.
A lot of folks in the south, like my parents, still say supper. I catch myself doing it sometimes and nobody looks at me like I'm crazy until somebody is in the room who grew up North of the Mason Dixon.

PCD (Pretty Circle Drawer) said...

i am literally LOL! the word supper just makes me laugh, along with toes, nodule, scrotum and navel. i never knew there was really an explanation for supper. that word just sounds funny to me...but at least it has a real meaning. and you're right...above the MD, we don't really roll with the supper. girl, where are you from? i'ma have to re-read your profile

IntrospectiveGoddess said...

I am so with you on OH ITS SO SOFT...and the sad thing is a black girl said that shit....stop the madness people...

Anonymous said...

Girl, you are crazy -- haha, "they" must think our hair is made of Brillo pad.....sad!

Eb the Celeb said...

well you can stop wondering about that first one... girl you know that aint nothing but the itis... lol

I call btwn lunch and dinner... lunner..lol

AMEN at mandatory summer vacation for adults... at least July... there is a holiday in there anyway...lol

Anonymous said...

You are silly. That's just all it is to it. Lupper Tiffany? Who thinks of that? Now I'm with you on the LL one. I don't know what he was talking about.

Anonymous said...

lol you aint exactly the cutest person urself #justsaying.

Anonymous said...

PS you not "really small" either...